Unlocking Potential: ClassX’s CompTIA Partnership Revealed!

Breaking news! We are thrilled to announce that ClassX has officially joined forces with CompTIA
as an academic partner.
This collaboration marks a significant stride in our commitment to offering high quality training
programs and services to our students.

CompTIA, with its extensive network spanning 3 million students, brings a colossal reach to our
collaborative efforts.

CompTIA, the Computing Technology Industry Association, stands as a non-profit organization
dedicated to advancing the global interests of IT professionals. As the largest developer of vendor-
neutral IT exams worldwide, CompTIA certifications validate technical skills across a spectrum of
digital domains, including PC maintenance and support, mobile devices, laptops, operating systems,
networking, security, and server technologies.

This partnership is a transformational step in ClassX’s mission to empower students in the digital realm.
Together, we embark on a journey to make a monumental impact and deliver quality education.

Join us as we navigate this exciting chapter, fostering a learning experience that goes beyond
conventional boundaries.


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